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Big Steamroller

Brands: Other Brands
More Reviews
• Glass Steamroller for Dry Herb
• Front Carb Hole
• Made In USA
• Length: Approx 9.5”
• 18mm Male Multihole Bowl Piece for Tobacco or Legal Dry Herb
• Bowl Diameter: Approx .75”
• Mouthpiece Inside Diameter: .1”
• Mouthpiece Outside Diameter: 1”
• Carb Hole Diameter: .4”
• Draft Hole Diameter: .1”
• Weight: 11.5 oz
Availability: Out of stock

I think the title pretty much says it all. This is the kind of pipe I could see busting out on someone’s birthday and watching them smoke the whole thing before getting cake. I’m sure you can think of a hundred other great uses for it. This is a caliber of steamroller above any other. It's so huge, it has a separate bowl! A daily smoker? I guess it depends on how much you smoke. This thing is BIG!


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