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Cheech Glass – The Electra Showerhead Bong

Brands: Cheech Glass
More Reviews
• Single Chamber
• Showerhead Perc
• 14mm Female Joint
• 14mm Male Bowl Piece
• Borosilicate Glass
• Height: 6.5”
• Thickness: 4mm
Availability: Out of stock

Sometimes all we need is quality and simplicity - no extraneous features needed! The Electra offers just that: Portable 6.5" height, 4mm borosilicate glass construction, and a stable beaker shape. For the compact size of this water pipe, the chamber actually lots of room, thanks to the widened base.

Showerhead percs are always reliable when it comes to cooling down smoke, while removing the impurities that harshen hits. The whole body is tinted either pink or blue, while still transparent, allowing you to see your hits as you pull them! The neck features two black accents, as well as gold Cheech Glass logos adorning the neck and dime bowl piece.

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