• Showerhead Perc, Donut Recycler<br/> • 14mm Female Joint<br/> • 14mm Male Dab Nail<br/> • Borosilicate Glass<br/> • Height: 5.25”<br/> • Thickness: 3mm<br/>">
When it comes to dabbing, small and compact is the way to go. Add a percolator and recycler to the mix, and magic happens.
A bell-shaped chamber is connected to a donut recycler, leading up to the flared mouthpiece. When you first take a dab, vapor is diffused through the showerhead percolator. As you inhale, pre-cooled vapor is pulled up into the donut recycler for a dry cooling step: It increases the movement of the smoke, resulting in a smoother hit. The Dizzy Donut has the perfect recipe for flavorful dabs, and is impressively affordable.