• 14mm Female Joint, Glass on Glass<br/> • 14mm Male Banger Nail for Concentrate<br/> • Clear Borosilicate Glass w/ Colored Accents<br/> • Height: 8.5”<br/> • Weight: 10 oz<br/> • Glass Thickness: 3mm<br/> • Base Diameter: 2.75"<br/>">
Want a hit smooth enough to sooth and undiluted enough to run through you like an electric current? That's exactly what this piece has in mind. The first chamber starts off mildly filtering your hit through the showerhead perc, using the water to aid in creating bubbles and cooling the smoke. The second chamber takes it a step further, utilizing the recyclers on either side of the rig to extend the cooling time of the smoke. Concentrates are best enjoyed when only moderately filtered, and this piece has just the right amount of percolation to fuel you with en electric charge of THC.