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Gili Glass – Pure Pink 13.5" Double-Chamber Bong

Brands: Non-Branded
SKU: 682862231748
More Reviews
• Double Chamber
• Cone Perc, UFO Perc, Ice Pinch
• 18mm Female Joint
• Borosilicate Glass
• Thickness: 5mm
Availability: Out of stock

This gorgeous pink-laden bong has a double-chamber construction, with a body shape that's a unique twist on the classic beaker bong. The roomy bottom chamber houses a large cone percolator, which is lined with countless diffusion slits for the first hit of filtration. Smoke rises and is filtered once more through a UFO=showerhead percolator in the oval-shaped top chamber. The neck leaves a little over 4 inches of room to pack in ice for extra-cooled rips. The great durability, cute design, and top-notch functionally truly make the Pure Pink Double-Chamber Bong a stand-out piece to add to your smoking collection.

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