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HB King – Double Donut 17" Percolator Bong

Brands: Other Brands
More Reviews
• Double Chamber
• Sprinkler Perc, Inline Perc, Dry Donut Recyclers
• 14mm Female Joint
• 14mm Male Bowl Piece
• Borosilicate Glass
• Thickness: 5mm
Availability: Out of stock

The quality of craftsmanship displayed in this piece rivals top-brand bongs over double the price, making the Double Donut an absolute steal!

Standing at a towering 17-inches tall, this piece has lots of heights for big rips. The extra-wide base adequately supports the weight of the piece, while 5mm-thick borosilicate glass ensures long-lasting durability. The compact bottom chamber houses an inline perc and stacked directly on top in the second chamber is a large, cone-shaped sprinkler perc. These powerful percolators work together to strip smoke of heat and impurities for pleasant hits every time. Filtered smoke travels up through the main tube, as well as two donut recyclers on either side for additional cooling movement. This piece features glossy, clear glass with hints of teal that will look great on display in anyone's home.

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