• Battery: 3300mAh<br/> • Temperature Range: 200°F-750°F<br/> • Joint: 14mm & 18mm Male<br/> • Quartz Coil/Heating Chamber<br/> <b>Includes:</b><br/> • 18mm Silicone Adapter<br/> • USB Charger<br/>">
Goodbye torch, hello Q7! This is an electronic dab nail that is compatible with 14mm and 18mm female-jointed water pipes. The Q7 has a huge temperature range, 200°F-750°F, meaning your dabbing experience can be totally personalized to your preference. It uses cold-start technology that utilizes all the concentrate you put in very efficiently. It has a simple design, featuring a screen which displays temperature and battery life, a power button, and + - temperature control buttons for easy customization.
The top of the device features a flip-cap, which flips up to reveal the "bowl" portion of the e-nail. This opening contains a quartz dish, which heats and vaporizes wax within seconds. The quartz material is Lookah's specialty, and is famously known for potent flavor and dense hits that are well-loved by dabbing enthusiasts. The joint component can be screwed off, making it very easy to access the inside for cleaning. This kit includes the Q7 e-nail, 18mm silicone adapter, and USB charger.
Want to learn more? Watch this informative video from Lookah for a closer look at the Q7 E-Nail!