Love saving money on affordable, quality bongs, vapes and smoking gear? Register an account today to start receiving Rewards Points! Our rewards system is designed to give a little back with every purchase you make. It's our way of saying thank you to our loyal customers and providing a valuable rebate to every registered customer who shops at our store.
As a registered customer, for every $10 you spend, you’ll earn 1 Rewards Point; an effective 2% rebate on all purchases.
- 5 Rewards Points = $1.
- Rewards Points can be redeemed on any purchase and in any amount. These points are applied after tax and will not affect the tax price.
- You can check your current Rewards Points balance in 'My Account → Rewards Points'.
Rewards Points will be credited to your account once the order is complete and marked as 'Delivered.'
Redeemed Rewards Points cannot be refunded to a credit card. If you choose to receive a refund on your purchase made with Rewards Points, the redeemed Rewards Points will be credited back to your account.
Follow, Post & Share: Follow us on Instagram or Facebook and tag us in a photo or video of your purchase. Just like that, you've got yourself another 10 Rewards Points! If you already follow us, simply post and share (make sure you tag us). Once we get the notification for the tag, we'll credit your account with 10 Rewards Points.