• 14mm Female Joint, Glass on Glass<br/> • 14mm Male Bowl Piece for Legal Dry Herb<br/> • Gender Changer, Nails for Legal Concentrate, and <a href="https://www.smokingoutlet.net/pipe-accessories" target="_blank"><FONT COLOR="#ddae54">Other Accessories Available</FONT></a><br/> • Clear Borosilicate Glass w/ Black and Red Accents<br/> • Height: 7.5”<br/> • Weight: 10.8 oz.<br/> • Thickness: 0.1”<br/> • Base: 3.75”">
Short and sweet, this little pipe is easy to hold, easy to use, and easy to rip. Despite its small stature, it comes equipped with a heavy duty bowl, so a single-hitter this water pipe is not. Keep it handy on your desk, or pass it among friends! Its height gives it a low center of gravity, making it very tip resistant.
The airflow first passes down the central column and through the showerhead perc at the bottom of the 4” tall chamber, before rising up to the 5” sidecar neck to the mouthpiece.
Additional compatibility options are available on our accessories page.