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Shroomin Dab Rig

Brands: Non-Branded
More Reviews
• Single Chamber; Diffused Downstem Perc • 14mm Female Joint, Glass on Glass • 14mm Male Banger Nail for Legal Concentrate • Gender Changer, Bowl Piece for Legal Dry Herb, or Other Accessories Available
• Clear Glass w/ Red Spotted Mushrooms • Height: 6.5” • Weight: 6.345 oz. • Thickness: 0.125” • Base: 2.75”
Availability: Out of stock

This diffused downstem perc, angled tube water pipe was most likely made by some garden gnomes. It is quite an eccentric little piece, with an hourglass shape and a couple cool looking mushrooms growing red glass spots.

The airflow moves into the first chamber through a diffused downstem that has 3 holes at its bottom for diffusing the smoke/vapor. It then percolates in the chamber before moving up the angled tube to the user’s mouth.

This bubbler is made from clear glass, and has red glass accents on the two glass mushrooms.

The current smoking intake on this water pipe is a 90-degree angle, stemless, glass on glass, female joint, with male banger nail for legal concentrate. Additional compatibility options are available on our accessories page.


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