• 18mm Male Joint, Glass on Glass<br/> • 18mm Female Vapor Dome & Nail for Legal Concentrate<br/> • Gender Changer, Bowl Pieces for Dry Herb, and <a href="https://www.smokingoutlet.net/pipe-accessories" target="_blank"><FONT COLOR="#ddae54">Other Accessories Available</FONT></a><br/> • Clear Borosilicate Glass w/ Colored Accents<br/> • Height: 12”<br/> • Weight: 15 oz.<br/> • Glass Thickness: .125”<br/> • Base Diameter: 3.5”<br/>">
This dab rig is stacked and packed with lots of good things. Airflow first passes into the lower chamber and enters the second chamber through a honeycomb perc. From there it passes through a ghost perc, then up through the ice pinch and through the straight neck. There is room for 2 ¼” of ice below the mouthpiece, although keep in mind the opening is less than an inch wide, so it will take a bit of creativity to fill that space with ice. This stacked pipe has a solid base wrapped in colored accents. A simple pipe that smokes smooth and strong.
Additional bangers and bowls are available on our accessories page.