• 14mm Female Joint, Glass on Glass<br/> • 14mm Male Bowl Piece for Dry Herb<br/> • Clear Borosilicate Glass w/ Colored Accents<br/> • Height: 6.5”<br/> • Weight: 7.5 oz.<br/> • Glass Thickness: 3mm<br/> • Base: 2.8”">
This petite bong by Cali Cloudx is set up for smooth to provide you with a refreshing and convenient smoking experience. The chamber holds a showerhead perc, getting the bubbling going to clean and cool your smoke. The donut recycler just above is accessible to the smoke through two small holes at the top of the chamber, causing the smoke to enter more slowly and creating an extended travel time to ensure that your smoke is cooling well before reaching the mouthpiece. This water pipe is small and powerful: It's the system reboot that reinvigorates you with efficiency and convenience.