• Diffused Downstem, Recycler<br/> • 18mm Female Joint<br/> • 18mm/14mm Diffused Downstem Perc<br/> • 14mm Male Dab Nail<br/> • Height: 5”<br/> • Thickness: 3mm<br/>">
Sometimes when you're dabbing, you just want to focus on the process, and not worry about delicate glass and possible damage. With this cleverly-designed recycler dab rig, an enjoyable dabbing experience doesn't have to be sacrificed just because it's practical. This compact dab rig is the perfect size to pull potent vapor, with just the right amount of filtration. Light percolation from the diffused downstem combined with the cooling provided by the recycler makes each dab smooth and comfortable. The Anarchist is ideal for the home or on the go.