• UFO Perc<br/> • 10mm Joint<br/> • Borosilicate Glass<br/> • Length: 6.25" (Body)<br/> • Thickness: 3mm<br/>">
The Apex Nectar Collector by Cali Cloudx is the perfect way to enjoy your favorite concentrates, thanks to its practicality and simple, yet attractive design! It includes both a quality quartz tip, as well as a titanium tip. A keck clip adapter is conveniently included to keep the tip snug on the body, as well as a large concentrate dish. To top it all off, the UFO perc does some serious work to provide just the right amount of percolation to your hits! Sometimes, a high-maintinence dab rig setup is just too much! A nectar collector provides the same great taste and experience, with added convenience and portability.