• Diffused Downstem, UFO Perc<br/> • 18mm Female Joint<br/> • 18mm/14mm Diffused Downstem<br/> • 14mm Male Bowl Piece<br/> • Silicone & Borosilicate Glass<br/> • <b><font color="red">Color Ship Randomly</font></b><br/>">
There's nothing better than a durable piece jazzed up with an awesome design. This double-chambered hybrid straight tube bong features a silicone diffused downstem for the first step of filtration. In the top glass chamber, a UFO percolator finishes off and perfects your hits to smooth, cool perfection. If you need a piece that's downright practical, The Cannavore is ideal as it has detaching pieces, making cleaning quick and easy. Expect quality hits and impressive durability with this bong.
Color range is diverse than picture