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Glycero – 7" Showerhead Glycerin Bong

Brands: Non-Branded
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• Single Chamber
• Showerhead Perc
• 14mm Female Joint
• 14mm Male Bowl Piece
• Borosilicate Glass
• Height: 6.5”
• Thickness: 4mm
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Want ice-cold hits without bothering with huge multi-perc bongs? That's where the Glycero comes in: This bong and bowl piece are filled with glycerin, a viscous liquid that can reach freezing temperatures without freezing solid. Simply leave this piece in the freezer for at least an hour, and your hits immediately have a nice touch of coolness. A showerhead percolator cleans smoke of impurities, as it's cooled by the icy chamber before traveling through the curved mouthpiece. On top of all that, this bong is made with durable glass, and has a super-thick base for extra durability. Available in purple, red, blue, and green, you can choose your favorite color for your perfect glycerin bong.

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