• 14mm Female Joint, Glass on Glass<br/> • 14mm Male Bowl Piece for Legal Dry Herb<br/> • Gender Changer, Banger Nails for Concentrate, and <a href="https://www.smokingoutlet.net/pipe-accessories" target="_blank"><FONT COLOR="#ddae54">Other Accessories Available</FONT></a><br/> • Clear Borosilicate Glass w/ Colored Accents & New Amsterdam Logo<br/> • Height: 12”<br/> • Weight: 16 oz.<br/> • Glass Thickness: 0.125”<br/> • Base: 3.65”">
Down, all the way down, right at the bottom. That's where you'll find the carefully situated matrix perc on this water pipe; at the end of the terminal! The chamber on this piece is extra-tall to make ample room for the big bubbles made by the perc, in the first and only chamber, to roll around and expand. The build of The Terminal is tall and slim, with the bowl piece kept close and parallel to the chamber. It's simple and sophisticated, how we like all of our excellent pieces from New Amsterdam Glass to be.
Want to convert it to a dab rig? Banger nails, downstems and more available on our accessories page.