• 14mm Female Joint, Silicone on Glass<br/> • 18mm/14mm Removable Downstem<br/> • 6-in-1 Titanium Domeless Nail for Legal Concentrate<br/> • Gender Changer, Nails for Concentrate, and <a href="https://www.smokingoutlet.net/banger-nails" target="_blank"><FONT COLOR="#ddae54">Other Accessories Available</FONT></a><br/> • Colored Silicone<br/> • Height: 7”<br/> • Weight: 12.5 oz.<br/> • Glass Thickness: .125”<br/> • Base Diameter: 3.5”<br/> ">
Set up a playdate with your new favorite water pipe: the Toy Box. This square silicone piece features a diffused downstem with four holes and an open end to get things bubbling in the chamber. This piece has a few features that make it a perfect all-in-one. First off, it’s all silicone. That means you can drop it and throw it to your heart’s content without worrying about breakage. Second, it comes with the two tools you’ll need to pull smooth filtered dabs all day every day: a fully removable concentrate container and a dabbing tool. The downstem to this piece is removable as well. Don’t miss out on this feature-packed pipe!
Please Note: The top of this piece is NOT removable. However, cleaning may be easily performed by removing the downstem.
Want to convert it to a standard bong? Bowl pieces are available on our accessories page.