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The Typhoon – 12" Jellyfish Perc Spiral Bong

Brands: Non-Branded
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• Double Chamber
• Jellyfish Perc, Dry Recycler Tubes
• 14mm Male Bowl Piece
• Borosilicate Glass
• Thickness: 4mm
Availability: Out of stock

Treat your flower to the highest quality glass and filtration, because that’s what it deserves! The Super Spiral is 12 inches of beauty – sturdy glass, percolators, and curvy recyclers come together to create a functional art piece. A compact bottom chamber houses a an 8-armed jellyfish percolator, which provides smoke with effective filtration and cooling right off the bat. Immediately after filtration, smoke is pulled up through 5 tubes: Four curved arms surrounding the chambers, and one spiral in the center. This extra movement for the smoke increases the purification and cooling even more, to make your hits truly smooth. Its practical size, the curved shape of the mouthpiece, as well as a super supportive base make this the perfect tabletop bong for any type of sesh.

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