• 18mm Female and 18mm Male Joint<br/> • 45° Joint<br/> • Glass on Glass<br/> • Gender Changer, Nails for Concentrate, and <a href="https://www.smokingoutlet.net/pipe-accessories" target="_blank"><FONT COLOR="#ddae54">Other Accessories Available</FONT></a><br/> • Clear Borosilicate Glass with Black & White Accents<br/> • Height: 5.25”<br/> • Weight: 5.5 oz.<br/> • Glass Thickness: .125”<br/> • Base Diameter: 2”<br/>">
The Yin Yang Ashcatcher by Diamond Glass is a single chambered precooler with an 8-button percolator inside. Each of its 8 buttons house 4 D-slits for diffusion for a total of 32 D-slits. That is some serious percolation...philosophically speaking. This ashcatcher is made from clear borosilicate glass with colored accents. The joint for connection to your water pipe is a 45 degree angle.