• Ice Pinch<br/> • 18mm Female Joint<br/> • 18mm/14mm Diffused Downstem<br/> • 14mm Male Bowl Piece<br/> • Borosilicate Glass<br/> • Height: 11.75”<br/> • Thickness: 9mm<br/>">
When durability is a must, 9mm borosilicate glass never disappoints, especially from Cali Cloudx - a brand that consistently produces high-quality and distinctive glass pieces. Super-thick glass provides a burly canvas for the minimalist aesthetic of this bong. The design consists of clear glass with a couple splashes of color, along with Cali Cloudx's signature gold logo. The large chamber allows for lots of smoke to be pulled and filtered into the purifying diffused downstem, and the ice pinch leaves plenty of room to pack in ice for a touch of frostiness to your hits.